Pans for induction hobs: suitable or not? Which ones are right?
You’ve purchased a hob with induction rings or are thinking about buying one? But you want to know which pans are suitable for induction hobs? Do you need new pans or can you perhaps use your existing pans? We have to tell you that special pans are needed for cooking on induction hobs. You need magnetic pans or pan materials. Because with an induction hob, it’s the pan itself that generates the heat. A copper coil is positioned below the ceramic glass. The alternating electrical current supply to the hob is converted from 50 Hz to approx. 25 kHz by the transformer/inverter and passed to the coil which generates heat. That doesn’t work with normal pans. On the other hand, you have all the advantages of an induction hob with many benefits such as greater safety when cooking and lower energy consumption, to name just a few. You save money and the cost of the new pans is quickly recouped.