Legal Notice of the Bosch Group (Bosch)


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Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on this website are protected by proprietary rights. This applies in particular to BSH brands, nameplates, corporate logos and emblems.

BSH is a trademark licensee of Robert Bosch GmbH for the Bosch brand and Siemens AG for the Siemens brand.

Intellectual property contained in the Bosch websites, such as patents, brands and copyrights, is protected. This website grants no license for the use of intellectual property of Bosch-Gruppe (Bosch) or third parties.


This website was made with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the correctness and accuracy of the information it contains cannot be guaranteed. No liability is assumed for damages arising directly or indirectly through the use of this website, except where such damage is due to intent or gross negligence by Bosch.

Online Dispute Resolution in accordance with stipulations under Article 14, Section 1 of ODR Regulation: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which can be accessed via website.

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